Khathalelana (Care for One Another) was established in June 2016 and consists of four board members, including the founder, Marlene Jameson. Marlene has lived in Delft for 25 years witnessing the need in the area and wanted to help the community from her home. However, she soon realised there were too many obstacles in the way to provide quality service and decided to follow protocol by establishing an official organisation and getting more people on board to assist.
A Godly Foundation, with no affiliation to a political party or a specific faith-based organisation.
Equal treatment and respect through service to others.
Development – upliftment, through empowering individuals.
OUR mission and vision
Our Mission
To provide a service and support to the community in areas of food provisions, recreation and education. To alleviate hunger and empowering communities. To partner with other organisations, in order to contribute to alleviating poverty.
Our Vision
The organisation shall exist solely for the social development and upliftment of all communities by means of sustainable community projects.