+27 74 846 4557
20 Tulp Crescent, Rosendal, Delft, 7100
The aim is to bring training and development into the community, at no or little cost. Our cost is mainly administration. The training is free.
Computer literacy training : 70 + trainees
Maths Literacy for learners: 40 learners
Nail Tech training for youth entrepeneurial opportunity: 10 youth, 1 adult
Windows O365 online training: 10 trainees
L1 First Aid Accr Training: 25 first aiders
FNB current acc, 63048314867, branch 204709
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ
We have 3 regular volunteers, that operate this space.
“Alleviating hunger and empowering communities through food provisions, recreation and education.”